THE STORY BEHIND “forgiven & loved, the woman with the alabaster jar”
Hi Friends,
I thought for my next blog I’d share the story behind one of my favourite iconic pieces, “FORGIVEN & LOVED, THE WOMAN WITH THE ALABASTER JAR”.
I remember the day I went to buy the 4 ft canvas with my daughter. We took the bus to town and I made a spontaneous decision to buy the large canvas and bring it home. It was a particularly windy day, and I didn’t anticipate the challenge of getting it home - what with the wind blowing strongly, and negotiating it on the bus. The moment we stepped off onto the pavement a strong gust of wind blew the canvas, and it was as if it was a kite caught up in the wind pulling us in every direction! Just the few minutes walk home from the bus stop was tricky enough, but thankfully we made it home with the canvas in one piece lol! Note to self: Never buy a large canvas without taking the car! Lol!
The acrylic painting was started almost 10 years ago at a time when I was full a time home-schooling mum. It was a great creative project to start, and I really wanted to capture the Woman with the Alabaster Jar from the Bible. The way she worshipped the Lord with such abandon and passion really touched and resonated with me, and so I was inspired to begin the painting. The Bible says how the woman gave God her very best and most expensive gift. She poured out the expensive perfume on the Lord, anointing Him as an act of worship. All her shame and guilt was taken away in an instant because of the love Jesus had for her. Not only was she forgiven and loved, but she was completely redeemed. The woman of the Bible, who I believe was Mary, was one of Jesus’ devoted followers who previously led a sinful life, but was totally forgiven and set free. I love this story, as it is a reminder to all of us of the redemptive work the Lord did (and still does) for us in our own lives.
It wasn’t long before I started on the painting. I had depicted Mary as having long dark brown/black hair and green eyes, with tears streaming down her face. For a long time the painting stood in our back room on display, propped against the wall facing the outside window. Although I was fairly happy with the painting, I felt as though it seemed a bit sad with the tears flowing down her face and not conveying her joy - I wasn’t sure that it completely expressed what I wanted to convey. However, it was still a striking and beautiful image. I remember a passer- by actually commenting on the painting favourably, as they would see it from the window as they walked past our house. But, with the business of life and home-schooling the children etc, the painting never got finished.
Fast forward 10 years from then to the beginning of 2024. I had recently started seriously painting again, and had already completed quite a few pieces when I felt strongly prompted that now was the time to re-visit the painting and complete it in between an assignment that I was doing. I felt I wanted to not just finish the painting, but actually change it somewhat. This time around I wanted to convey the passion and intensity of her love of the Lord, whilst presenting her with a more demure, composed and peaceful expression as I felt the previous image came across a bit too stark, which I felt defeated my aim. I changed her hair to a more softer dark brown, with lighter tones to show depth and texture. I also wanted to bring in some vibrant oranges and dark red/maroon as well as purple, with gold touches. The painting took on a whole new look, whilst still holding elements from the original image of 10 years ago, but I was able to potray her in a fresh way exactly how I had envisaged. I was so happy with what I had achieved, and decided on painting the words “Forgiven and Loved” to the side of her in the midst of a golden Heavenly glow.
I do hope you enjoy viewing my painting, and that it touches your heart also.